2008: Conference Proceedings

Offshore Construction and Installation: Policy Wording and Issues

Veröffentlicht 2008-11-12


  • Construction All Risks policy,
  • Erection All Risk policy,
  • construction insurance,
  • WELCAR 2001 Offshore Construction Project Policy,
  • offshore industry,
  • subrogation,
  • exclusion clause,
  • deductibles,
  • insurance coverage,
  • policy limits,
  • wear and tear,
  • physical loss or damage,
  • deterioration,
  • Inchmaree Clause,
  • Institute Additional Perils Clause - Hulls,
  • loss notification
  • ...Mehr


In this paper, James provides an overview of the WELCAR 2001 Offshore Construction Project Policy and discusses, from a legal perspective, some of the issues which have arisen in practice in respect of its (and thereby similarly worded Construction All Risk (CAR) policies) interpretation and application. James also utilises a number of case examples from different common law jurisdictions.

Readers should note that this copy of the paper may be incomplete.