2000: Conference Proceedings
Conference Presentations

International Convention on Arrest of Ships, 1999: An Australian Response

Publicado 2000-08-05

Palabras clave

  • Admiralty Act 1988 (Cth),
  • Arrest Convention 1999,
  • ship arrest,
  • Australian Admiralty jurisdiction


As Thompson explains, Stuart Hetherington prepared in January 2000 an initial draft analysis of the 1999 Arrest Convention in comparison to the Admiralty Act 1988 (Cth). During March and April, a small working group comprising Hetherington, the author, and a few others met to continue the project, with the aim of developing a draft paper on behalf of MLAANZ for submission to the Federal Department of Transport as part of the deliberations over whether Australia should adopt the 1999 Convention into domestic law.

Thompson attaches a draft memorandum representing the current state of the working group's progress, presented as a discussion paper for review by MLAANZ before submission.