1987: Conference Proceedings

Marine Inquiries: History, Practice and Purpose

Publicado 1987-10-26


  • marine inquiry,
  • maritime accident,
  • shipping casualty,
  • crimes at sea,
  • Shipping and Seaman Act 1952 (NZ),
  • Merchant Shipping Act 1894
  • ...Mais


Smith's paper explores the history, practice, and purpose of marine inquiries into major accidents. More specifically, the paper reviews what has been achieved in practice, and takes stock of the competing views concerning the reforms which can be made in the present system. In doing so, Smith takes account of: the developing technology of shipping, the increasing awareness of industry participants of their constitutional and administrative law rights, international trends in improving inquiry mechanisms, and the gathering movement towards more efficient and strategically planned bureaucratic structures expected during the second term of the present government in NZ.

Extensive appendices are attached to Smith's article.