2008: Conference Proceedings

Damages for Mental Distress Arising out of Contracts of Carriage

Publicado 2008-11-12


  • mental distress,
  • damages for mental distress,
  • contract of carriage,
  • reasonable foreseeability,
  • distress and disappointment damages,
  • limitation of liability,
  • Athens Convention 1974
  • ...Mais


In this paper, Martin relies on several key case examples as part of his discussion around damages for mental distress, including Baltic Shipping Co v Dillon, a variety of older English decisions, and various cases from the US. Martin argues that a 'general rule' applicable to recovery of damages for non-pecuniary losses, both in Australia and New Zealand, still seems to prefer the 19th Century disdain for contractual damages claims for non-pecuniary loss. Nevertheless, examination of the facts of some contemporary cases reaching trial in the 21st Century seems to confirm that some inroads have been made against the general rule.